Sporniket's installation

IDE/FlashROM/RTC/RAM expansion boards for 260/520/1040ST(FM), MegaST and 520/1040STE
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Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

Hello, I am Sporniket, and this topics will host a log of installing the Smartboard STe (the kit set, with led display and RTC). There is still some time before it arrives. I have skimmed over the manual, first impression is that it seems foolproof enough for the target audience.
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

Today I had some time to do preparatory work : change the rom jumpers by small, right-angled switches, and the resistor network P101. I don't have an external blitter so the resistor network P100 is more accessible, so I will refrain to change it. At this point, my STe is still working (I lifted 2 pads under P101, I did the soldering of the new one on the topside instead), so tomorrow I will continue the work.

Photos will come later, when I am free.
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

Here are the pictures of the day.

I have to setup my ephemeral workspace each time I want to do soldering and such, so that in itself takes some time...
First thing first, I take care of the ROM jumpers...
...to replace them by very convenient little switches...
To be continued
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

The continuation

After the jumper, I have to deal with the resistor networks. I first tried to solder some wires on P101, to see if I could skip that step, but I have no other choice than replace it, so first I snip the legs. And I will leave it like that, my time is up for the morning, real life has woken up.
Later today, I could take a little time to continue. I succeeded somewhat to remove the remaining legs, but two vias have suffered.
Fortunately, only the underside is deteriorated, so I installed the new resistor network, and soldered on the topside. At this point, I did a test to check that the STe was still working, and there is no problem.
So tomorrow, I plan to continue the installation. P100 is in a better configuration (already slanted, the legs have a little more space, and there is no blitter), so if possible, I will do my best to avoid removing it.

The end, for today.
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by Administrator »

I can't see it clearly in your photos, but are the pins for the external blitter on the PCB covered by solder-mask or is it possible to solder the cables to these pins?
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

It's covered by solder mask. I will post a picture of the area later.
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

This morning, I soldered the 10-wires connector (except the FDD-Led-in wire) and the 6-wires connector

Before :
After :
I did probe the legs of P101 and P100 to check for solder bridges, and it seems that generous supply of flux and a fine soldering tip did the trick, no problem on this front.

Next step will be the combined FDD+HDD led. I understand that all the work on the SmartBoard STe is already done (on inspection, I found D2, D5 and R1 populated, and SJ2 closed). That will leave me with working on U307.
Questions :
  • Did you have to remove solder mask to solder the HDD LED- wire ? (between U203 and the CPU, along a VCC trace)
    I have soldermask there so I will need to remove it. I may also try by cutting pin #18 of U307 at mid height, lift the higher half, lower the lower half ; then solder HDD LED- on the lower half, isolate with polyimide tape, and solder the FDD-Led-In on the higher half.
  • I have a brown lone wire, with one end crimped in a dupont connector ; Another one longer, purple, and with both ends crimped in a dupont connector. and two other wires with colored stripes. What are the purpose of each one ?
  • When combining HDD and FDD activity into one LED, the RED wire of the 3-wires connector (black-brown-red) is not used, correct ?
Now some feedbacks on the documentation
  • A Table of Content at the beginning would be usefull. And by further structuring the manual (more on that below), it will give a good mind map to the reader.
  • A page footer with the page number. It works with the table of content, and when leaving the sheet of papers unattached together, it allows to reorder them without mistakes.
  • There should be 3 main part :
    1. package content : to identify without doubt each element, and have an idea of what those lone wires are to be used for.
    2. Hardware installation
    3. How to use
That's all for now.
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by Administrator »

sporniket wrote:
12 Nov 2023 10:11
This morning, I soldered the 10-wires connector (except the FDD-Led-in wire) and the 6-wires connector
That's what I call good soldering! 8-)
sporniket wrote:
12 Nov 2023 10:11
I understand that all the work on the SmartBoard STe is already done (on inspection, I found D2, D5 and R1 populated, and SJ2 closed). That will leave me with working on U307.
Your conclusion is correct. I have prepared the board for your intended use (D2, D5, R1, SJ2).
sporniket wrote:
12 Nov 2023 10:11
Questions :
  • Did you have to remove solder mask to solder the HDD LED- wire ? (between U203 and the CPU, along a VCC trace)
    I have soldermask there so I will need to remove it. I may also try by cutting pin #18 of U307 at mid height, lift the higher half, lower the lower half ; then solder HDD LED- on the lower half, isolate with polyimide tape, and solder the FDD-Led-In on the higher half.
  • I have a brown lone wire, with one end crimped in a dupont connector ; Another one longer, purple, and with both ends crimped in a dupont connector. and two other wires with colored stripes. What are the purpose of each one ?
  • When combining HDD and FDD activity into one LED, the RED wire of the 3-wires connector (black-brown-red) is not used, correct ?
  • U203 is the MFP? At least on my schematic. Or do you mean the 74LS244 U307?
    HDD-LED- needs to be connected to pin3 of the keyboard connector.
    Unfortunately it is a push-pull signal on STE (but not on STF(M)Falcon030) so you need to lift pin 18 of U307 (74LS244).
    I assume you are referring to the photo on page 10 of the manual?
    Your STE mainboard revision is newer than mine. My STEs both have ext. Blitters.
    I assume that they went haywire using solder-mask lacquer. I'd just scratch it away and check for continuity with pin 3 keyboard connector.
    A simple before/after schematic snippet should clarify thing:
    PCB connection between pin 18 U308 and keyboard connector cut by lifting pin 18 of U308 (74LS244).
  • all the wires and the 90° single-line pin-headers are optional. You may either use them in the way I used them on page 10: brown wire of HDD-LED- soldered to brown wire with Dupont connector and use the provided shrink tube for isolation, then solder in a single pin 90° contact to the solder point. I wasn't sure about how you wanted to install it i.e. removable/non-removable. Just put them in storage, throw away, whatever...
  • yes, the red wire is not used for your configuration. I removed it by pressing on the metal contact on the side (not where the holes are) and pulled
    it out. So I can reuse it later.
sporniket wrote:
12 Nov 2023 10:11
Now some feedbacks on the documentation
  • A Table of Content at the beginning would be usefull. And by further structuring the manual (more on that below), it will give a good mind map to the reader.
  • A page footer with the page number. It works with the table of content, and when leaving the sheet of papers unattached together, it allows to reorder them without mistakes.
  • There should be 3 main part :
    1. package content : to identify without doubt each element, and have an idea of what those lone wires are to be used for.
    2. Hardware installation
    3. How to use
That's all for now.
I second your suggestions. Yesterday I thought about rearranging the installation steps myself and to move the parts that leave the machine in a "testable" configuration to the top.
You may use one wire for the 16MHz connection. The via described in the manual is/has to be connected to GSTMCU U400 pin 2.

I forgot to mention the meaning of SJ1 on the photo on pg. 11:
Some IDE-DiskOnModules (DOMs) can draw 5V current via IDE connector pin 20. If you close SJ1 then IDE pin 20 is connected to 5V. But be careful: this applies 5V on pin 20 to both devices on the IDE connector, if you choose to use the IDE in a master/slave configuration.

I appreciate your efforts documenting all the steps and constructive criticism! They will definitely make their way into Manual V.2!
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

Thanks for your answers.

Then I did it like that for FDD-led-in and HDD-LED-minus : First cut the leg 18 of U307 at half height...
...Then solder LED- to the bottom part...
...Then solder FDD-LED-in to the top part...
Of course, I tested continuity to check for bridge and check the right pin to cut.

To be continued
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Re: Sporniket's installation

Post by sporniket »

Connection point to IKBD's Tx :
Connection to HDINT :
To be continued
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