Ultimate Ripper

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Ultimate Ripper

Post by crashman »


I've been trying to get the Ultimate Ripper rom working with a real ST, and finally I could get it.
I've replaced the roms on a VT-100 cart and put those two files added here,
and if you activate the cart upon a Reset, Ultimate Ripper starts.
I can't burn right now the big eprom of your Testkit, and I would like to ask if you could give it a try.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by Administrator »

I have the original URC but can't get it to work anymore. Bought it somewhere (probably on ebay) and never used it. I can put your files on two EPROMs and put them on the original cart. If that works I'll give the URC on the testkit another try. But yours should already have that SuperMon. As I have been told it's the URC's successor. Or not? Anyway - I will try but right now I've got another Atari project that gives me troubles. Need to solve that first.
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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by crashman »

Finally I got a pair of 27c4002 to try.

How do you put the tesk kit roms together in the file? just the old MSDOS copy a + b +c ?
or are they High+Low?

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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by Administrator »

If you program them on a PC there is always the possibility that you need to byteswap the data you want to burn (little/big endian issue).
I think (!) - too long ago - that I put them together with either WinHEX or HxD. Latter is Freeware but unfortunately cannot do byte-swap.
Hope you've got a UV eraser :D
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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by crashman »

We have a winner!!!

And as I saw that you already had U.R. in the rom, I changed it with my version, after changing also the endian order.

And I tried different and undocumented jumper positions. Till I found it!

The new jumper position for the Ultimate Ripper on this rom version, is
* * * * |
* * * * |

Only the jumper near to the cartridge connector.

When you start your machine with it with the other jumper on, the one to disable the testkit, the systems seems freeze, but if you press F1 or F2, as per U.R. manual,
it shows some strange bars on screen and then it starts.
Just as I remembered it from the 90's, but this is a modified one by Zorro2/MJJ in 2004 (and I don't know what's modified)

Well, hope it got use to someone.

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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by Administrator »

Finally I have been able to spend some time on your BIN image.
I am surprised that URC and SuperMon seem to fit into the EPROM. SuperMON's BIN is 128KB (Desktop reports 64KB) and with F030 BIN (128KB) and the other four BINs (each 64KB) the EPROM should be filled up by now.
Thanks to your explanation I've been able to start URC into its main menu with F2-F2 on a 1040STE (TOS 1.06).
I've got the original URC cart and I can't get it to work the same way. Maybe I should try your patched URC BIN.
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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by crashman »

Well, perhaps UC is placed in an unused space of Supermon. The truth is that's working!

That's now a really All in one Test Kit for the Atari range!

That UC from yours... if it's boxed and taking space on your desktop... Here I have the right spot for it! ;-)
Well, even if it's unboxed...

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Re: Ultimate Ripper

Post by Administrator »

I've checked the SuperMon I downloaded for the magic numbers.
As I said I got it as a 128KByte BIN and the first long at offset $000000 is $ABCDEF42 which is the magic number for a desktop application you see as drive c: (small 'c').
The long at offset $010000 is $FA52235F which is the magic number for a "diagnosis" BIN (same magic number as for the Atari testkit images.
I will check out if something happens if I set the jumpers to ::::| on the SuperMon BIN.

I tried my old 512KByte BIN you should have gotten in the first place. It seems that my 128KByte BIN contains SuperMon and URC.
If I use a testkit with such an EPROM, set the jumpers to ::::| and start my 1040STE the TFT will not get a sync signal. I have to press F1 - F2 and wait 6s. Then URC's menu pops up.
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